Latest Updates
- July 2024 - I’m currently exploring how KANs (Kolmogorov Arnold Networks) can be useful to classify different image datasets, in particular road traffic-related images with Dr. Bharathesh Chakravarthi as part of the Active Perception Group.
- June 2024 - Working on getting AWS DEA-C01 Certified.
- May 2024 - Started a new position as an Instructional Assistant for CSE 548 - Advanced Computer Network Security
Welcome to my page!
Here, you’ll discover insights into both my professional and personal interests, along with updates on activities and events in my life. I also delve into reflections on my past experiences and aspirations for the future. While I strive to remain adaptable, echoing Bruce Lee’s philosophy of “being like water,” there are core principles I hold dear and unwavering, such as the morals instilled by my parents and the values I’ve cultivated over my 25 years on this planet.
Click Here for a detailed curriculum vitae!
Click Here for a list of projects that I have worked on!
Contact me at abhinavp@asu.edu or py.abhinav2@gmail.com